Hi there guys!
In this article we’ll talk about Session Plan feature, and how you can use it to increase the EV late in your session.
Session Plan is a feature that will allow you to create more personalized filtering of how good a table is for the script to join into it. You can watch a video about the Basics of Session Plan HERE.
Quick explanation here:
Y axis -> Amount of tables being played at a given time in session.
X axis -> Game’s Stake allowed for selection.
Max number of tables -> On the top-right corner of a session plan, this is the maximum amount of tables you can handle simmultaneoulsy.
Normal Execution (Yellow) -> While in this area, Session Plan will perform no extra filter, if a table is being scanned and a fish matching the “Basic Configs” joins, script will join.
Filter Rule (Green) -> Area painted green in the calendar, this represents a moment during session where Rule’s filters will be applied to script’s selection.
In this Screenshot, we’ll see a Session Plan for which we’ll start filtering once we have 4 tables, so that we only join 1k+ games.
Below we’ll go over a few more feature on the Session Plan and then how to apply it for certain situations.
If you click on the Edit for a Rule, a pop up will appear with more options to customize how to treat selection for that session span.
So far we’ve went through how Session Plan UI works. Now let’s go over some actual use cases of how to apply Session Plan to some purposes out there for different players.
I play nl100 and shooting a bit on nl200. I can handle a max of 5 tables.
For this spot, we first recommend to expand the Session Plan Max, so that instead of 5 tables, it performs seleciton up until let’s say 8 tables. But once player has 5 tables, we can go more aggro and wait for an extremely good EV table, to replace one of the current nl100 games.
Session Plan would look something like this: