Hiroku stores a copy of color notes from IPoker and those are the colors that are read during execution.
This is done to help if any issue comes up with IPoker in the future where they remove player_notes.xml aswell as to keep stored the colors that you’ve noted during the current session.

It is possible that if you changed a color while script wasn’t running, that Hiroku then has an old note for certain player.

In order to make sure Hiroku – IPoker notes are completely in sync:

  • Close IPoker (this triggers them storing all newly created notes)
  • Delete C://ProgramData/PokerTempData//LocalNotes//ipoker
  • Delete C://ProgramData/HriokuScript//LocalNotes//ipoker

Once done this, Hiroku will restore it’s copy from player_notes.xml (file you can find in your own IPoker installation folder /data/screenname)

If you regularly re-color players while off-session (script being off) then we recommend you regularly follow this FAQ to restore the sync.